New York Stylez barbershop and salon en Arlington

Estados UnidosNew York Stylez barbershop and salon



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3415, South Collins Street, 76014, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-795-7233
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.6905708, Longitude: -97.0969891

comentarios 5

  • en

    Mohanad Haifa


    Richard aka New York has been cutting my hair for 10+ years . Amazing service and hospitality. Trust me I went to other barbers do to jobs and time scheduling. But I always have to come back to New York stylez . Hands down best barber ever .

  • IrisNicole Harvey

    IrisNicole Harvey


    Our sweet baby boy had a fantastic first haircut experience! Our initial concerns about the challenges of our son's hair texture were completely unfounded. New York cut his hair with poise and precision... and produced great looking results! He's all grown up and ready for his one year old birthday pics. Thanks for making it a precious memory, New York!

  • en

    Casey Ohanaja


    This is the best barbershop around. I’ve lived in several states, even in New York and I have yet to find a barber as good as New York the barber and his staff.They are very professional and the atmosphere of the shop has a relaxing and welcoming vibe for all customers, plus their staff is always able to cut the latest and best styles for every customer . It’s this reason why I continue come back to the shop on vacations when I’m visiting my family in Arlington, even now that I’m living out of state. I always make sure to book an appointment every time I come back in town.

  • en

    Randy Mays


    New York Stylez is an appointment based shop, which makes it easy for those of us with busy schedules. But if you do not have an appointment they do their best to get you worked in at their next available time. I always schedule with New York, but would definitely trust any of the barbers in the shop. They are all always professional. The communication is always excellent between barber and client. I recommended that my sister take my nephew there. She states that she has never felt uncomfortable being in the shop full of men. They always keep it professional and are courteous. New York (Owner) chooses to not only cut my nephews hair, but to give him encouraging words that he can live by. So I highly recommend that you bring your kids here as well. His patience is phenomenal, never showing any signs of frustration. As long as they are open I will continue to visit this shop and my nephew will as well. The visit is more than a cut, you get consistency, professionalism as well a great haircut. They offer more services than any shops in the area at a fair price. At any given time you can find multiple races/ethnicities all under one roof all receiving extraordinary service. Do yourself a favor and book an appointment ASAP.

  • Tony McCormick-UBEC

    Tony McCormick-UBEC


    I have been coming to this shop for years. I travel over 30 miles. Not only is New York Stylez Arlington's Best Kept Secret but also DFW's Best Kept Secret. I've seen the clientele change dramatically. All races and all hair textures. First, I slowly started seeing more Hispanics coming in but now more Asians and Caucasians. A true multicultural salon, New York Stylez is obviously doing something RIGHT! Though I tend to stick to the same stylist but all the stylists are highly skilled as I watch during my appointment. The owner, who goes by "New York," picks great professionally skilled barbers to keep all clients satisfied and looking their best. Don't just limit yourself to a haircut. They have a variety of extensive grooming packages and techniques/applications to help you with any concerns you may have regarding your look. New York Stylez is appointment based but don't hesitate to walk in. They will take care of you!

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