New York Sports Clubs w Dobbs Ferry

Stany ZjednoczoneNew York Sports Clubs



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50, Hamilton Street, 10522, Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-478-0944
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.00329, Longitude: -73.8568971

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tim Maliyil


    The gym could be a lot cleaner, and a lot of the equipment is dated and in need of repair/replacement. I cancelled after 3 months as there are better options in town.

  • en

    Byron Cheung


    clean and well maintained gym. what can you ask for more when a gym has a swimming pool and basketball court! there is also a child care center which i need to try out at some point. compared to another NYSC location i frequent in manhattan, this is luxurious!

  • en



    Staff is friendly. Due to the small size and limited equipment it does get crowded; however it is still far superior than LA Fitness on a good day. The clientele is more lax and notably nicer. A lot of older people here. Parking is easy, too. Could do without the expensive yearly membership fee in top of the monthly fee. So far I am satisfied.

  • Ted Kelemen

    Ted Kelemen


    Quit this club after one month. It's not for athletes. Kicked out of pool after 28 minutes. In the middle of 1 hour training. Was told that there is 30 minute time limit. What kind of club has a 30 minute time limit for exercise and training? Nobody returns calls. Not professional club.

  • Jonna V Russo

    Jonna V Russo


    Just joined the gym s month ago. Everyone is very attentive and helpful. The trainers James and Devone are spectacular! It's spacious and has all the equipment you could need, a heated pool, full court basket ball. Check it out you won't be disappointed!

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