New York Sports Clubs w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneNew York Sports Clubs



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34-36, South Dean Street, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-569-1175
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8926358, Longitude: -73.9752653

komentarze 5

  • en

    maria naeem


    It has so many options for classes. It very big and a lot of fasicilites plus free parking.

  • Yvonne W.

    Yvonne W.


    Westwood needs updated weight lifting equipment. Workout machines are tightly spaced, too. Englewood is bigger but...customer service can make you feel a bit put off.

  • en

    Lu Simon


    The equipment is nice. Unfortunately the gym is not clean, especially the locker rooms. I think they should invest money in fixing the gym up.

  • Kristine Velez

    Kristine Velez


    Horrible customer service. If I could give this place zero stars I would. General Manager, Nick Perez and Front Desk Team are horrible. It has been three weeks since I was promised a refund on a charge that was INCORRECTLY applied to my debit card. I keep getting told it has been refunded, three weeks later NOTHING. Do not sign up here. There are so many other great health clubs out there; definitely skip this one.

  • en

    Klim Kavall


    Horrible customer service! The manager (Santiago Molina) did nothing to help. He promised and promised. Then did nothing. Useless person that wasted way too much of my time to no avail. Like most here, I was promised to move to their new $30 package and paid the membership cost (which is not advertised anywhere! class action anyone?). Thereafter, I was still charged the full price and not the new $30 price. I called and he said he will take care of it since he was the one that actually signed me up. Apologized, moved on and said all will be well next month. But wait, same exact thing happens next month. And the month after. And so on for 6 months until he goes on vacation and the associate manager tells me, "what are you talking about, you're on the same plan as you were originally and never moved to the $30 plan... If you want me to move you, you'll need to pay the initial fee and I'll have it ready ASAP." I obviously called their toll free number and they couldn't help me as they said the manager needed to submit paperwork. Santiago said he did everything and was waiting on corporate. Guess what, like an idiot, I continued with the membership for 6 months as this was going on and then cancelled because I was fed up and didn't want to come to the gym and see his face. Now what? Well, I'm disappointed with NYSC corporate, and think that both Santiago Molina and this gym are liars and cheats. I'll never go back to NYSC ever again. DO NOT SIGN UP TO THIS LOCATION!!!

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