New York City Housing Authority's Bay View in New York

Vereinigte StaatenNew York City Housing Authority's Bay View


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9820, Seaview Avenue, 11236, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-251-5662
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6333331, Longitude: -73.8887001

kommentare 5

  • en

    Frank stone


    Rude disrespectful it responsible staff. Apartments are broken Beyond repair they force people to pay rent will not allow you to see the housing assistant and then will terminate your lease without telling you. This Housing Development is filth unfortunately the good people that work there are overshadowed by the horrible fact that there are negligent individual still working there. For example the front desk secretary the one with the huge hognose in the huge zit on it that ugly Krone has sent there and purposely not passed across paperwork on several occasions. That office needs to be shut down revamped and the people of this neighborhood need to be treated with respect

  • Tamara Swift

    Tamara Swift


  • Alana Greene

    Alana Greene


    If I could put 0 stars I would they have terrible service no repairs are done unless you go to court I've been sitting here for almost a year with a giant whole in my bathroom wall covered in cardboard and no one has gotten back to me yet then when I call to find out it's always the same answer "I'll send an email" or we working on it"

  • Tanya Watts

    Tanya Watts


  • en

    Anitra Clemons


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