New York Adjustment Bureau w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneNew York Adjustment Bureau


brak informacji

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6619, Woodhaven Boulevard, 11374, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-275-2700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.717945, Longitude: -73.862713

komentarze 5

  • Phil Scaturro

    Phil Scaturro


    When an unforeseen disaster hit us (a 4th of July fireworks caused a fire to my building) Anthony’s expertise and professionalism in handling the battery of insurance adjusters and all the different NYC departments red tape really saved the day. He was always there with updates and progress reports on the claim. His representation was crucial in helping to get all the funds from the insurance Co.Anthony was able to achieve the highest possible settlement. If you are in the unfortunate position I was in and you think you can handle the process on your own or you can get someone else to do this better or cheaper, think again, “you get what you pay for”. Anthony Luparello and the NY adjustment bureau will be worth every dollar ( remember the insurance company will be paying their fees not you ), Anthony and his company will be there from the beginning to the very end of the process to help you. I met with Anthony and Angelo at 9 am, they had emergency construction personnel working to secure everything and make things safer within a couple of hours. Yes I recommend you hire Him!

  • en

    Yaniv Zohar


    Worked with Anthony on my insurance claim. Great service, he handled a very difficult insurance adjuster and got me the claim I deserved.

  • Wendy Darling

    Wendy Darling


    Anthony was beyond helpful. He had such professionalism, timely responses and just an overall great experience! I can not express my gratitude to him and his team for getting the job done!

  • en

    Mirla Minaya


    I was very impressed with the level of professionalism displayed by everyone at New York Adjustment Bureau, especially by Anthony. He did a great job with us and we would use his services for sure if need be. Highly recommended.

  • Rafael Mastov

    Rafael Mastov


    I was very impressed with Anthony’s professionalism, constant updates via email and phone, and most of all, aggressive protection of my interest. Anthony was able to achieve the highest possible settlement for my business that was flooded. Anthony’s knowledge, expertise and negotiation skills were crucial in dealing with my insurance company. The entire office staff was always ready to answer my questions and concerns. They truly care about their clients no matter how big or small your claim is. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ANYONE in the event if you find yourself in a situation like mine, to put your interest and trust into Anthony Luparello’s hands and be assured that he will fight for what is rightfully owed to you!!.

najbliższy Agencja ubezpieczeń

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