New World Nails i Ridgefield Park

Forenede StaterNew World Nails



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210, Main Street, 07660, Ridgefield Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-329-7744
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Latitude: 40.8570691, Longitude: -74.0251763

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ana Valle


    I love Sofía!! shes the best!

  • en

    Michelle Cabrera


    Salon is dirty and unkept. I did not feel comfortable with completing a manicure, instead I opted for a polish change. The products they use are old and leave your skin feeling dry.

  • Lorena Alvarez

    Lorena Alvarez


    I had to come here as an emergency because the salon in Bogota was rude and did not accommodate me at all. The staff was super friendly, they took me within a couple of minutes and the ladies did a great job.

  • en

    Mareli Mesa


    I had been going there since I was 17 and always loved it but I don't know what happened they became very unclean last time I went was 2 months ago n all my toes caught an infection was dealing with this for over a month and had to see a Dr n he recommended me not to go back to the place that did my pedicure finally the infection went away I never see them clean anything before sitting someone else in the pedicure chair they just rinse it off which was probly what caused the infection they also never clean the disinfectant water that the tools go into after they use them on other people which is a big red flag to me this is just my experience ,years ago I'd recommend them to everyone now I would never!

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    Thelma Guessgirl


    The do a horrible job at doing nails, the paint was all over my toes. They lady barely spoke English so she didn't understand much of what I was telling her. It was second time going because it is close to my house but each time it looked like a non professional did my nails and toes..):

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