New Look Kitchen Refacing, Inc. w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneNew Look Kitchen Refacing, Inc.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

30, Commerce Drive, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-221-0656
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.753985, Longitude: -73.406044

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lorraine Lds


    This review is long over due..I just wanted to write how beautiful my kitchen refacing project turned out from "New Look" ... Ratan is a professional from start to finish . I had Horan and Nigel they were the projects professional carpenters and I could not ask for better or more accomplished men. They started on time , focused at the job and completed when they said they would. They were neat and tidy . Ive gone through the Holiday season and I am totally in love with "The New Look " kitchen that Ratan provided for me and my family. I would highly recommend "New Look " Ratan to anyone looking to reface their existing kitchen. He also had some high end finishes for cabins , trims around lower half , crown moldings, and trim around kick plates.. Makes the kitchen cabinets look custom made. Im am thrilled and so happy with the end results. Thank You "New Look" , Ratan .. Horan and Nigel..great job Lorraine DeMasco

  • Amie Weber

    Amie Weber


    I would highly reccomend New Look for you're KItchen renovation. It was the best home improvement experience I have had yet. The ordering was so easy and the execution of the project was perfection. The onsite installation was fast, finished the job early and worked so professionally and clean! I can't say enough about how thrilled I am to have a brand new kitchen in just 2 days! 5 stars!!

  • en

    Mark G


    Wonderful ...from planning, scheduling, and to beautiful completion. No hitches ..truly looks like a $40k kitchen at 1/3 the cost and only a couple of days of disruption, as opposed to months had we opted for a rip out and new cabinetry etc. Everyone who sees it is amazed at how great it looks. Owner and crew were terrific....very accommodating and no nickel and diming! We heartily recommend them. They are the real deal!

  • en

    mike fer


    Awesome work performed! Everything we asked for we got and more. The prices are very fair and they did the work on schedule as planned. We really enjoy our new kitchen! Thank you guys.....

  • en

    Christopher Snow


    New look refaced my father's kitchen late 2016. I have dealt with a lot of contractors on Long Island, and I can say from a lot of experience that most are people that are probably in business for themselves because they are essentially unemployable at a real company.. Working with New Look was a breath of fresh air - they are very much a real company - reliable, prompt and professional. My dad's kitchen was completed on time and on budget and looks beautiful. Highly recommended.

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