New Image Autosports w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneNew Image Autosports



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4300, Matlock Road, 76018, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-200-6029
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.676545, Longitude: -97.115424

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arthur Tignor


    I leave reviews when it comes to how things truly are. Rarely do I have overall bad experiences that make me wonder about a place of business. Yet, when I walked in the door, the owner of the door did not even want to make eye contact with me. He asked me what it is I wanted (which was a mounting kit for a truck radio) he went to the back. When he came back, still no eye contact. When he told me the amount, it was $25 plus tax. $27 total. The only reason I had paid for the item was because Fry's across the street was out of stock. The item sells for $15 to $20 everywhere else... To me, not only did he not appreciate me as a customer in any form. Nor was there a form of customer service/ integrity of eye contact at all. But, the item was 25 percent more then others. For me, this is not a place I would ever go again.

  • Jasminee Grey

    Jasminee Grey


    Took my car about 3 months ago, could not be any more un satisfied than what I am. First the employee did not want to do my tint then i literally had to call back because my tint started rolling up when when my windows were locked rolled up ! Guy kept giving me the run around and at the end i ended up coming back after a week because he never “had time”. now that problem is fixed but my tint has scratches and bubbles. worst job ever. had to come fix it somewhere else and waste more money trying to fix it. 💯

  • en

    Ero Anders


    I love this store. Speedy service and wonderful staffing!!! I will be coming back. This is the second time coming here and they deliver 5 star service!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍 All the time we recommend anyone here

  • en

    Khaled Fares


    Amazing staff, owner is great guy... I highly recommend this place to customize your car. They have great variety of speakers and car stereos with a lot of brands you can choose to fit your budget. Installations are on time and they are very easy going

  • en

    Andrew Waldson


    Would give negative stars if possible. Should have been a red flag when the person at the front desk acted like he could care less about... Well anything. Installation took twice as long as promised. Not to mention they installed a different remote start than the one I asked for. Tried to pair it to my smartphone (because the range on the remote is laughable) and come to find out they didn't even install the valet switch! Unbelievable! The guy was so rude and absolutely disrespectful when I asked him to make it right. Man... I should have known all these 5 star reviews were straight up fake.

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