New French Nails i Fair Lawn

Forenede StaterNew French Nails



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11-06, Saddle River Road, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-797-3877
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9388192, Longitude: -74.098968

kommentar 5

  • Fern Dickey

    Fern Dickey


    If you want a perfect gel manicure, ask for Kim.

  • en

    Marilyn Lansey


    This place is great! The employees are lovely and very professional. This is my nail salon of choice.

  • en

    Myrna Beck


    Gel manicure only lasted a week. Not always very careful with base coats for pedicures; it has taken almost a year for the staining to grow out. Never going back there again.

  • Pamela Ackert-Schons

    Pamela Ackert-Schons


    Great service, wonderful hot stone pedicures, reasonable pricing for services provided and always a friendly smile and hello when you walk through the door! Even do touch-ups for me at no cost! Won't go anywhere else.

  • Randy Fazio

    Randy Fazio


    Went in to get my daughters nails done, it was 6pm and their sign said they close at 6:30. The guy at the counter asked what she wanted and then made a gross face at us and said NO. Will never go back and will continue to put this out there for all to read.

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