New City School Of Music i New City

Forenede StaterNew City School Of Music



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14, North Main Street, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-709-8383
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.1477668, Longitude: -73.9886631

kommentar 5

  • Maria Joy

    Maria Joy


    " We love our piano teacher. She is teaching my daughter proper skills. The school is very accommodating and personnel easy to work with. "

  • en

    Linda Felici


    The school was very professional and courteous. My daughter's piano teacher was lovely and talented. We hope we can return once our schedules permit.

  • en

    Anita Vitro


    " I am really enjoying my voice lessons and have learned so much in such a short period of time! The staff and instructors are exceptional and will continue to recommend the New City School of Music to others! The school looks AMAZING! Love the addition of so many new student pictures on the wall. The new school logo looks awesome and looks great with the comfortable chairs in the lobby! It's wonderful to see and be a part of the school's growth and continued success! "

  • Kathleen De Leon

    Kathleen De Leon


    Excellent service, our family always feel welcomed and always focus on kids to learn And have fun at the same time!

  • en

    Graciela Londono


    I have two daughters in the school. One is playing Flute and the other one is playing Guitar. Their teachers are professional, warm and wonderful with my girls. I highly recommend the school.

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