Network Automotive Service Center w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneNetwork Automotive Service Center



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104, East Main Street, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-649-0839
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.415471, Longitude: -111.828549

komentarze 5

  • en

    Regional Arizona


    Absolutely the best auto service I've ever had in the valley. I sent my stepdaughter to them the other day and they check her alignment for me. I wasn't sure if her tires were wearing because of poor alignment, under inflation or just wear normal wear and tear. They checked the alignment and put the car back down and handed her the keys with no charge because there was nothing to fix. My daughter was so stunned at the kind and honest service that she thought she did something wrong and she asked them if there was a charge. I used to live right near this place. They took care of me back in the day, with good prices, a friendly face and good quality work. Thank you guys and I'll make sure I send you my family, my friends and anybody else I can. - Jim

  • en

    Tatonka Smith


    A friend just had her oil changed there. She had RedforEd writing on her back window. Somehow, the writing was partially wiped off. Since the markers used will stand up to car washes, and the missing parts of the words and picture were so specific, it had to be on purpose. Of course, no one at the business knew anything about it... Does that make you feel better, that if you leave your car with them, anyone can walk up to it and vandalize it?

  • en

    roger montgomery


    This is a good place to take your car for any type of repair or regular maintenance. I believe their prices are fair. Their mechanics are competent.

  • Art-Tastic Creations

    Art-Tastic Creations


    My mom and I have been using Network Automotive Service Center (the one in Mesa, AZ on Main Street) for years. Recently, my mom was having some trouble with her Honda. We did't have a lot of money to spend. Marty helped give us a very fair price for the repairs. Most times we have come in, they have honored coupons, been willing to work with our budget, and have been all around helpful. We also like that they are honest about the repairs you need on your car (unlike most car repair places). I always recommend the Network Automotive Service Center in mesa, AZ on Main Street to all of my friends and family. They are a great place and very affordable. They always do a good job.

  • en

    Dawn Simpson


    Absolutely fantastic place to have auto repair done, and VERY AFFORDABLE. I bought my Mustang in thinking I was going to need several hundred dollars of repairs needed to my front end. I was wrong, less than $200.. Seeing I was a walk in I thought I would have to make an appointment but they were able to get me in same day and job was completed.

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