Nest Inspired Home i Rye

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20, Purchase Street, 10580, Rye, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-921-6378
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Latitude: 40.9825412, Longitude: -73.6841967

kommentar 1

  • Angela Murnin

    Angela Murnin


    Popped into this home decorating store after a quick lunch in Rye the other day. I love decorating and spend about 2 hours each day on pinterest collecting photos for my own home "Look Book". I immediately was drawn to the items/displays in Nest, as they were very similar to my own taste in home decorating. They offered a acrylic wedding chair for about $250. I inquired about shipping, which they do not offer. I then acquired as to the brand/manufacturer of the chair, and I was quickly dismissed in about 1 second. Least helpful shop ever. I know enough about decorating to know that many of the items stores offer can only be ordered by designers, so it wasn't like I was trying to go somewhere else and beat her price. However, any savvy web user can typically track most things down, and so the good news is that I was able to track down the chair that I wanted for $38 online! Same exact chair/cushion, and I don't have to buy 2 of them, as Nest required, and this other place happily ships! Great look of store, unfriendly customer service.

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