Neighborhood Country Market in Mastic Beach

Vereinigte StaatenNeighborhood Country Market



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73, Whittier Drive, 11951, Mastic Beach, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-395-4792
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7667139, Longitude: -72.8374288

kommentare 5

  • Bay Mejia

    Bay Mejia


    Very nice people. Prices are great!

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    Tina Mars


    Went there the first today. The girl behind the grill and man at register were friendly and my chicken cutlet sandwich was amazing. The store is generously stocked too.

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    Jesus Marrero


    Best breakfast sandwiches

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    Alicia Sholtz


    They have the best breakfast sandwiches. I now live out of town, and every time we are back we make sure we go here.

  • Megan Corbett

    Megan Corbett


    The ladies that work the grill are rude and always screw up the simplest sandwiches. The guy who works occasionally is super nice but also cannot handle a simple sandwich. The owner begged me to come back after my sandwich was made wrong for the 2nd time and still managed to screw it up. 2 eggs over easy, ham, extra bacon, salt, pepper and ketchup is to hard apparently. The either forget the meat, over cook the eggs, or put cheese on it when you don't even ask for it! Overtime I go there they screw it up. You would think after ordering the same thing a couple of times they would have it down pat. The funniest part is they always repeat the order and even have it written down correctly.

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