Nebraska Medicine w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneNebraska Medicine


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

4350, Dewey Avenue, 68105, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-552-2000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2564109, Longitude: -95.9771025

komentarze 5

  • en

    Whomever and Whatever


    Could not of asked for better place for emergency care. Quick response

  • Karrie Campbell

    Karrie Campbell


    Best care in the world. Saved my husband’s life. From the surgeons to the doctors and nurses to housekeeping and their chef’s it doesn’t get any better than this. Thank you.

  • wingless Angel

    wingless Angel


    The staff and doctors are very kind and thoughtful. They make my Cancer treatment more of a true life goal and not just treatment for an illness

  • en

    Johnathon Bowling


    My mother was taken here for severe back pain. She waited in the emergency room for 8 hours, didn't get her blood sugars check (she's diabetic), didn't eat for 24 hours, had an RN that just yelled at her, she yelled for help and they closed the door on her, saying she was refusing to take something when she didn't refuse anything, and they are raising her pain and anxiety levels. Worst experience ever! DON'T GO HERE!!!! They very unprofessional!

  • en

    Leonard Ndegwa


    The UNMC/Nebraska medicine has really lowered its standards over the years. They were my hospital of choice until they conducted unrequested tests and then tried to bill us for it. It took my insurance getting involved to have them accept their error. To make matters worse, we were instructed not to pay any bill as the accounting dept. pays bills without specifics and would pay disputed items while they tried to correct the errors. Anyway to make a long story short, I received a collection notice today for a $20 bill. I have paid all my other bills and asked if I owed anything and been told no. They drop the ball and then send $20 collection bill after having received over $600 in payments. Talk about lack of common sense. Poor medical services and incompetence in their billing. I think there are several other hospitals I would rather get treated at going forward. Watch your bills! You may pay for their mistakes.

najbliższy Szpital

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