NDS Dental w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneNDS Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3740, South University Drive, 76109, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-920-7569
strona internetowej: www.national-dental-services.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.695262, Longitude: -97.360877

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ashley Hardin


    I attended NDS and before I even graduated they had me working in an office making actual money! They gave me time to pay out my tuition and it was quite a bit cheaper than the surrounding schools. I'm super glad I chose this school and super stoked I now have a forever career from it.

  • Monica Torres

    Monica Torres


    Great school! I loved the school and have referrered many. 😊

  • Yessica Aguirre

    Yessica Aguirre


    NDS is a great school their program is fast and the instructor takes her time teaching every subject. Mrs.Suggs makes it easy and fun to learn. I had a great experience with NDS I will recommend this school hands down to everyone

  • Jenjer Drennon

    Jenjer Drennon


    This a great program which provides all the tools you needs to obtain a certificate and succeed as a dental assistant. I love their program options and they work with your payment options as well. If it wasn't for the owner, Mr. Haywood, I wouldn't have known about tuition assisted programs to help me reach my goal because that was my only barrier in starting. The program is shorter and cheaper than others but the materials given are everything I need. I especially love the small class environment and the instructor, Ms. Sugg gives a one-on-one type of experience. She has many years of experience in all areas in the dental field. She is also patient and works individually with her students so that we all leave for the day on the same page. She receives our feedback as well as gives it and she is also fun and personable so I'm eager to come back. It doesn't feel as if I'm going to school and sitting in a class to hear a teacher. It's more as I'm meeting up with friends to talk about dentistry and it's not intimidating.

  • en

    Joseph Jinowat


    This place is willing to help you with any you need help on. The biggest help is getting Financial help from non profit organization. Other thing is getting into a dental office rather for experience or for future hire. They have change my life complete and that's what they're here for. All you have to do is get in enroll and grind and you will succeed.

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