Nayef Sweets w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneNayef Sweets



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127, Crooks Avenue, 07503, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-341-2640
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.889847, Longitude: -74.154031

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nawras Haddad


    This place has become a regular Sunday stop for me. Everything there is delicious, especially the knafe. Plus the owner/guy running the place is very nice and treats you like family every time.

  • en

    Saleh Kayal


    Amazing Arabic Sweet. Amazing hospitality by the owner and the employees. Highly recommend it to everyone!

  • Yasmine Samman

    Yasmine Samman


    Poor customer service - I have been going to them since the place opened. I have ordered trays for special events and recommended them to many friends and family. I am a regular customer and they know me well. In fact I stopped going to Nablus when they opened and have been going since. Unfortunately, about a week ago i stopped by and purchase the usual Kenafah and i orderd a small tray of phillo fingers and the round pistachio phillo cookies. When i took them home they were both not well cooked through. The fingers were very doughy, basically raw in the center, too much dough and not cooked through and the round ones were the same, doughy and not fresh. After a week of them being in my house i dumped them. I am in Paterson only on weekends and i forgot to take them with me the weekend after i bought them so i let them sit around then threw them out. A week later, this past weekend I stopped by and spoke to the sales guy, the same guy who makes all the pastries, who knows me VERY well and is always nice to me. I told him nicely that for some reason or another they were not cooked through and they were not good at all, instead of saying really? that's odd, i am sorry about that, we want you to be happy and we want our sweets to always be best etc. he denies everything I am saying to him. He basically treated me of a liar, i am a REGULAR customer who has NEVER returned or complained of anything before, THIS TIME when i tell you they're not good, they're NOT, he said absolutely not, they are fine, i make them all, i eat them myself, nobody complained, i was sooooo disgusted by his response. What horrible customer service. After years of buying from them, you tell them one time something is not right and they treat you of a liar and tell you NO YOU"RE WRONG.. it's impossible he said. Clearly customer service isn't at the forefront of their skills. They don't know how to make a customers happy, they open businesses with no business or customer skills and people just buy from them. If people want to buy uncooked phillo dough hey that's fine good luck, but not me, and this is why I will NEVER go back to Nayef.. ever .. very very disappointed. Learn how to speak and treat customers who have been loyal to your business since day 1. I will give my money and my business to someone who will actually appreciate it. I am better than that.

  • Dino Rodriguez

    Dino Rodriguez


    Each visit to Nayef Sweets takes me back to Nablus, Palestine; authentic sweets (حلويات) that'll satisfy every sweet tooth with a variety of treats that'll keep you coming back for more. Their "kinafah" (كنافة) is delicious when fresh, "ma'amul" (معمول) is just right, "bas-bu-sah" (بسبوسة) has just the right amount of sugar syrup. Pick up a variety of sweets at your soonest and enjoy!

  • Jenniffer Rodriguez

    Jenniffer Rodriguez


    This place is amazing. Having visited Palestine and the city Nablus we can say it's like Palestine. It's delicious and the guy is very friendly.

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