Nassau Suffolk Exteriors w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneNassau Suffolk Exteriors


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

119, Commack Road, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-499-2900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8399371, Longitude: -73.2939381

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Richman


    Nassau Suffolk Exteriors is an outstanding company to work with. From the support staff in the office to the foreman on the job, everyone was extremely professional. Jimmy is incredibly knowledgeable and suggested design ideas that no other contractor brought to the table. Their crew was on time each and every day and worked seamlessly together. Our house looks beautiful! Carrie and David Richman East Hills, NY

  • en



    Great company , Wish all of the work at my house went this smooth. One time ,neat and the workmanship was outstanding. NSE did my siding and windows. Thanks would highly recommend

  • en

    Allan Timarky


    Worked with Jimmy from NSE about a year ago. They re-did the entire exterior of my home and some interior doors. They were very good and Jimmy did everything he said they were going to do. After a year everything is still great. There was a small issue while replacing one of the interior doors but they took care of the issue and they absorbed the cost. Would definitely recommend.

  • Master Daler Boo

    Master Daler Boo


    Jimmy gave a very fair estimate right off the bat and was with us every step of the way. Excellent overall experience. Price was great, workers were great and actually gave advice and opinions on important decisions. Would definitely recommend and use again.

  • en

    tom pake


    Many times a job well done does not necessarily get its due reward or praise, but NSE definitely stepped up to the plate. They made the entire process less overwhelming and were extremely helpful throughout each step. We knew when we hired them that we were getting great experience, but they also delivered a great quality finished product and had impeccable customer service to go along with it. We are so excited & have already received so many compliments on it.

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