Nara Express i Houston

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2111, Fannin Street, 77002, Houston, Harris County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 832-548-1604
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Latitude: 29.7475892, Longitude: -95.3704827

kommentar 5

  • en

    Harrison Christian


    Oh my goodness the food is incredible at this type of food restaurant every time we go there we try the green curry and the coconut soup it is prepared fresh and served hot and is very tasty I highly recommend the food here the service is very good I love coming to this place I highly recommend it to you I encourage you to go at least once to try their food and you will be hooked they're very nice people I cannot recommend the Ambiance of this restaurant but the food and service makeup for that once you try it you will always look forward to going back

  • Ezra Velasquez

    Ezra Velasquez


    I have given this place 5 stars because of the amazing food that is served here. I have been to many Thai restaurants and this is by far my favorite. It has the best tasting Pad Thai in my opinion. My theory is that they strive to make very delicious food to overcome the location. Perhaps that is why you don't see many people dinning in. If you are not bothered by the area I highly recommend eating here or ordering for pick up. They are also partnered with food delivery services.

  • Edward N. Driskoll

    Edward N. Driskoll


    This is my curry place. I hate it took me this long to find my (Brown)Gangmasmum Curry. Really is the best place to go. Heads down. Friendly staff and great cooks. Just don't hang out in the parking lot. Not the businesses fault. At all.

  • Angl Mtos

    Angl Mtos


    Food is legit, I have tried different dishes and no disappointment so far. Staff is friendly and the place is clean with an open kitchen in case you want to take a peek how the preparation goes. Must try: 1. Papaya salad 2. Pad Thai 3. Pineapple fried rice 4. Pangnan Curry This place is a hidden gem located on the outskirts of downtown. The area have some sketchy characters walking around. But nothing to worry about. Value plus quality food this is my 1# Thai join Houston.




    La atención del personal es excelente, les pedimos que nos cambiarán un platillo que no nos gusto y lo hicieron sin ningún problema, la comida está muy buena y las porciones son generosas, lo único que hay que tomar en cuenta es que hay platillos con sabores fuertes y más vale preguntar antes de ordenar.

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