Nails Show i Hillsdale

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424, Hillsdale Avenue, 07642, Hillsdale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-594-1100
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Latitude: 41.0028634, Longitude: -74.041939

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Hyde

    Sarah Hyde


    The only place I go to for my nails, I have recommended so many people here! They are so sweet, reasonable pricing and do a great job.

  • en



    Good results. Reasonable prices.

  • Melissa Lucido

    Melissa Lucido


    Nice staff, easy to make an appointment, reasonable pricing

  • en

    Paige Gorman


    Completely unprofessional... not very good at nails (uneven acrylics)... screamed at customers... should give and option for 0 stars

  • Camillia Ghavami

    Camillia Ghavami


    They were completely unprofessional giving my friend an attitude and yelling at her. They yelled at a costumer if that doesnt show how bad this place is i don't know what will. In addition, they have no idea how to do nails. After telling them multiple times to shape the nails a certain way they still did it wrong. Leaving this nail salon one hand was longer than the other. This place is completly unprofessional, rude, and they do not know how to do nails. If I could give 0 stars I would.

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