Nails & Relaxation spa en Ronkonkoma

Estados UnidosNails & Relaxation spa



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601, Portion Road, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-585-1688
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.832032, Longitude: -73.088756

comentarios 5

  • Lexi Pizzano

    Lexi Pizzano


    If I could give zero stars I would. Rude from the moment we walked in. They tried to push a $50 pedicure on my boyfriend and almost wouldn’t take no for an answer. My pedicure was done by Andy there is nail polish on my toes my nails are crooked and the nail polish doesn’t even cover the nail completely. He didn’t put the spacers in between my toes before polishing either. $20 pedicure in 10 minutes. I feel so ripped off and over charged. I have to go somewhere and get them redone now I have an event and can’t have my nails looking like a child did them. Never coming back.

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    Jacklyn Carro


    I am absolutely disgusted with management and the morals of this “spa”. I bought my mother a facial for her birthday which was in the amount of $68.00. My mother called up to ask how much was on the card and thank goodness my mother knows me and knows the amount they said was incorrect. They tried telling my poor mother she only had $30.00 on a card with $68.00 on it. I’m disgusted and outraged by the dishonesty and shady actions by the manager at this spa. DO NOT buy a gift card from one of these spas and not write the true amount. Especially if you are using it at the ronkonkoma location. DO NOT TRUST A WORD THEY SAY. Thankfully my mother called the farmingville location where they provided the true amount. Highly recommend never stepping foot in such a crooked establishment.

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    Maria Mennella


    This is my favorite place to go. Have been a dedicated customer since they opened. Judy does my manicures and Brian does my pedicures. They are the best! Highly recommended.

  • Vanessa Rivoire

    Vanessa Rivoire


    Horrible place!! So pushy about getting you to spend more money than you need to. Had a gel manicure done and the one woman was so harsh and rushed. The manicure fell apart after a couple of days. Horrendous

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    Jessica Martin


    I went here today for French tips... I was then charged 70 dollars for Gel tips which I did NOT ask for!!! They spoke so unclearly on purpose. I then got a pedicure and they instantly went for a 50 dollar callus removal treatment which I also didn't ask for. A male did my pedicure and a female did my manicure. I gave them a twelve dollar tip to split. They were extremely mad.. sorry.. after being charged 95 dollars for things I didn't want that's what happens. Will never be going back and will never recommend to anybody.

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