Nails 2 Cute w Yonkers

Stany ZjednoczoneNails 2 Cute



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Kimball Avenue, 10704, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Š”Š¾ŠµŠ“ŠøŠ½ŠµŠ½Š½Ń‹Šµ ŠØтŠ°Ń‚Ń‹ ŠŠ¼ŠµŃ€ŠøŠŗŠø
kontakt telefon: +1 914-338-7313
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Latitude: 40.9201917, Longitude: -73.8538061

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rebecca Mendez


    There is nothing nice and cute about this place... 1st and last time there. I had to ask her to file them so they could look the same and walked out without them painting my nail Seriously Disappointing Horrible job

  • en

    Jean Friend


    Great place to get your nails done

  • en

    Patricia Martinez


    Horrible , they are unprofessional and rude , there was a guy there last summer that did a decent pedicure but for nails good luck hot mess. I went today for a pedicure and I already had my hands done from my nail place but I didnā€™t have time to get a pedicure yesterday so I went here today because it is close by, NEVER again , the daughter or whoever the young girl is has a naaaasty attitude, I told her I needed a pedicure but I needed to match my feet To my hands so before anything to make sure she had the color she said yea yea we have it , I started looking for the color because she didnā€™t even check she went straight to setting up the pedicure tub with water , I couldnā€™t find the color I again told her before you continue please make surety have the color so she brought back the only 2 yellows they had and I said no thatā€™s not it , the name is sunbeam those are the ooo dark , she said it has to be because thatā€™s all they have and I said no I got my nails done yesterday and I remember the name.she asked her mom and her mom didnā€™t even look she just tapped one of the yellows and said itā€™s that one and Iā€™m like I know the name of the color, it was almost like they were questioning my intelligence, then the girl says ā€œyou can literally just test the color and see if it matchesā€ in an attitude , first of all no because at that point my pedicure will already be done so I will have no choice but to put whatever color you have there even if it doesnā€™t match second , I literally rather go somewhere else. I held my composure and said ā€œthatā€™s fine thank you anywayā€ and began walking out , as Iā€™m walking out sheā€™s yelling ā€œwow! Wow! Wow!ā€ Repeatedly , I ignored her even though thatā€™s is unbelievably unprofessional and rude and now Iā€™m writing this review because I have never in my life had to deal with someone so nasty in a place of business, if anything me as the customer could have gone off on her for her nasty attitude, and the roles were reversed.

  • en

    Gabriela Opper


    Andy did my nails and it was horrible I told him that I had already shaped them and he continued to file them and then they were all slanted and uneven I let him finish and the gel nail polish was all over my cuticles. Horrible experience with their service...very nice people but just not good with nails also this place is not very clean

  • Vianny Delacruz

    Vianny Delacruz


    First time here and feel in love! Great service and products! I did a powder dip mani.

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