Nail It Up i New York

Forenede StaterNail It Up



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1267, Forest Avenue, 10302, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 347-788-9286
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Latitude: 40.6267148, Longitude: -74.1318384

kommentar 5

  • talia matteo

    talia matteo


    Love this nail salon. I have been going since they opened and honestly they have the best service, it's really clean, and super friendly people.

  • en

    angela cardona


    Not bad but 20$ For a pedicure is pretty pricey! but they give you a bottle of water at the door the lady I had seemed like she was in a bad mood.

  • Zoe Greenberg

    Zoe Greenberg


    Very clean and professional, at amazingly reasonable prices.

  • en

    Bernadette Favaloro


    I have been Ling's customer for about 4 or 5 years, I started out with her when she worked for someone on Arthur Kill Road. Then she moved to work for someone else on Hylan Blvd, I followed her. Now finally, she opened her own place, again I followed. Ling is so sweet, she's very accommodating. Her place is always clean and everyone is very friendly. She is always up on the latest nail techniques. If you want a good manicure and good service, Nail it up is the place to go.

  • J PA

    J PA


    Very professional and cordial. You are greeted and given a bottle of water. They take their time and do an amazing job. I love them!! ❤❤

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