en Hicksville




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485, South Broadway, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 866-695-6627
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.757721, Longitude: -73.50793

comentarios 5

  • Jean Lurssen

    Jean Lurssen


    I was so impressed after placing a very, very small order for less thatn $5 on 5/1 and received it on my doorstep on 5/3. Excellent service. I have bookmarked this site for further purchases.

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    D Allmond


    Selection of hardware was great, order arrived quickly and was carefully packaged. One cabinet handle was missing from the order but was immediately sent to me after I notified them. Wonderful customer service.

  • Morgan Tew

    Morgan Tew


    I was very pleased with how quickly my knobs arrived and with customer service calling to confirm the order and update me on shipping. My knobs were high quality and look wonderful. Great experience!

  • Leonard Brown

    Leonard Brown


    very easy to order and came in a regular amount of time. They ended up being the wrong hinge and they said they would return them, but i had to mail it back and could be charged a 25% restock fee. I only paid under $7 so to return them it would cost me almost as much as i spent. I would give the a 2 star or customer service. I now have four paper weights.

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    Kathy Given


    I purchased Schaub Fair Isle knobs. These are high end mother of pearl knobs with varying color. I needed some help from customer service not because of a defective product but, because I wanted a bit more color in them. Spoke with Michael. The company should be proud to have him as an employee. Within 2 days of mailing knobs back, I had replacements at my door. That is unbeatable customer service. I might add the selection and prices are second to none. There are several companies online but I recommend to look no further. My Knobs, will have the business of everyone I know based on selection, price and most important the wonderful people who answer the phone and take care of business. Thank You

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