My Neighborhood Primary Care w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneMy Neighborhood Primary Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

821, North 5th Avenue, 85003, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 602-680-7722
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4576087, Longitude: -112.0798766

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daniel Gonzalez


    Great folks, service is second to none. After encountering many roadblocks while seeking treatment for many issues, I found this place. As a healthcare professional myself, I found the staff and providers do a couple things better than every other place, they listen and they care. The provider has been the first to take the time to listen to my long list of symptoms and look at the big picture, as they are all interconnected. I can not express how much of a relief it has been to find a provider that has provided to me a chance to begin feeling better.

  • Ashley AZ Mom

    Ashley AZ Mom


    I absolutely love this place. Every single person I encountered here was happy and pleasant and willing to help. I felt so much better the moment I set my appointment with Paul at the desk. The women who took me to my room ( I'm sorry I forgot her name) was very friendly and just made me feel welcomed and comfortable. Then kat, the nurse practitioner, went above and beyond of what I expected. She covered everything. This was my first visit and I already feel so much better, just knowing that these people actually care. I will recommend this place to everyone I know. You just don't find service and care like this anymore. I'm very thankful I found them. :)

  • Amanda Thorson

    Amanda Thorson


  • Ben Bethel

    Ben Bethel


    So close to my house... However I think that they have been taken advantage of by their direct mail company.... I had 15 of their postcards come to my house today!

  • en

    Lillian Cook


    This is the best primary care - your health and wellbeing is valued and prioritized. The providers are great, spend time with you and really work to address your health needs.

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