My Daughter's Wedding III w Great Neck

Stany ZjednoczoneMy Daughter's Wedding III



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37, South Middle Neck Road, 11021, Great Neck, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-773-7778
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Latitude: 40.7865268, Longitude: -73.7255452

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jonathan R


    They have a good selection of wedding gowns and flower girls dresses, they are a bit expensive though, even when on sale. They have a seamstress on site which is a big plus. An appointment here is always recommended if you want full attention when shopping.

  • Mahtab Moinian

    Mahtab Moinian


    Yan has been making dresses for me since my Bat Mitzvah. She's the best.

  • en

    Emmanuel Voumvoarakis


    Sandy and staff were very helpful in selecting our bridal party dresses. She also suggested beautiful dresses for the flower girls that were in the same color scheme. The seamstress did excellent work and all was done on time. Thanks for the help. We will recommend your store and services to others.

  • en

    Farrah Margolin


    I went there looking for prom dresses, and even though that is not their specialty and the selection was on the small side, every dress was beautiful. In addition, the staff was extremely nice, which I have always found difficult to find. The only thing that prevented them from being five stars was that you have to order your dress because they don't have size options.

  • en

    mamie Romero


    I know I seem all over the place with my opinion of this store but I have my reasons. The sales lady Sandy was a sweetheart, our jewelry was great quality so Thank you for that. Please ladies..try on your dress the last day you pick it up!! Mine was wrapped up and pressed on Friday..the wedding was Sunday! I helped dress my beautiful make up and hair done and put the dress on!!! Now the dress orginally was half off the shoulder cap sleeves. I just wanted the cap sleeves to sif a bit higher not to show my bra strap!! Well..I put this dress on and she closed up the back of the lace so tightly that it changed the entire dress!!! She had pulled the back arms so high and unattractive that every second I wore it..(being turned into an empire waist with shieering under my bust) I was so uncomfortable and looked pregnant at 50_ But the delight of seeing my stunningly beautiful daughter and the young man who adores her made my dress irrelevant!! Try your dresses on right till the end and make sure they fix it to YOUR liking, I felt uncomfotable and on such a special day..I didn't feel I looked or felt my best Hope this helps!! I took the furs back we borrowed and took the dress back as well and donated it to a 5 foot women..I am 5"7"!! I just couldn't look at it hanging in any closet at home..I hope it looks better on someone else so if you need a black dress..go to this store and ask for the donated dress!!

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