MW8 Apartments w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneMW8 Apartments



🕗 godziny otwarcia

434, Southwest College Street, 97201, Portland, Multnomah County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 503-224-1121
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.5091864, Longitude: -122.6824809

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alexander Albright


    I've lived here for 2 years and it's the best furnished apartment building in Downtown Portland. Good furniture, great appliances, and if you pick your own roommates it's a hell of a deal price wise. Love the utilities included!

  • Kat arina

    Kat arina


    I personally don't trust the management and work ethics of the management team. Very bland walls and cement with odd stains. TAKE Pictures of Before And After. Or it'll be $30 to vacume.

  • Jessica Jue

    Jessica Jue


    It's a great location! Don't count on getting your "refundable deposit" back though. They're going to take parts of it out, no matter how hard you clean it ( I even had a pre-checkout walkthrough). Also my fridge broke 4 times when I was there and only until the last week of my stay did they replace it.

  • Kaleb Fike

    Kaleb Fike


    The company that manages these apartments gathered the personal information of Portland State University students through a Freedom of Information Act request, and proceeded to send advertising text messages to those students. Technically, that was (and still is) a legal thing to do. Technically legal, but incredibly sketchy. (Honestly does anything that follows the words "it's technically legal..." ever sound legitimate?) I could never in good faith recommend these apartments to anyone because of this blatant disregard for the privacy of individuals who had expressed no interest in this company.

  • en

    Kristen Bateson


    They used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain a bunch of students' phone numbers from PSU so they could spam them with apartment rental texts. This is INCREDIBLY shady of them. Think long and hard before renting from a company that considers this tactic acceptable.

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