Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneMuseum of Contemporary Art San Diego



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1100, Kettner Boulevard, 92101, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 858-454-3541
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.717316, Longitude: -117.1693526

komentarze 5

  • Jane Son

    Jane Son


    The museum is not very big so it'll take you less than an hour, but it does have interesting social, racial and cultural commentary that will hopefully enlighten your eyes. The staff is always so kind and helpful too

  • Aly SM

    Aly SM


    Really small place, we got lucky because we happened to go on a free day so that's really all that made it worth it. I think it also depends on what exhibits are there when you go to make it worth while. I'm assuming a lot of the bad ratings went out of their way to go here but I was already in the area. You can go on their website to see what exhibits are up and more likely than not you can go through the Instagram tag and see recent photos. It's nice place if it was always free.

  • en

    Gavin Zau


    The downtown facilities of the San Diego museum of contemporary art. They had the teen age arts program here

  • en

    Hildegard Kleiser


    Have you - this excellent museum - every considered what your Gala Invitation does to those underprivileged ones for whom becoming a member of you wonderful museum is already a luxury and a sacrifice? I want you to IMAGINE!

  • en

    Craig Washington


    I thought the exhibit was rather small. If there were more things to look at, i would give a higher rating. It looked like more online.

najbliższy Galeria Sztuki

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