Museum Medical Garage w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneMuseum Medical Garage


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1213, Hermann Drive, 77004, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-526-6131
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7230421, Longitude: -95.3884747

komentarze 5

  • Douglas Steimle

    Douglas Steimle


    Never park here on the weekend. In half an hour we've moved one car length. There's a single automated pay station that takes at least a minute per customer, and hundreds of people leaving the museums at the same time.

  • Tyrone Hatton

    Tyrone Hatton


    Horrendous parking garage in spite of its convenient location. There is one unmanned visitor terminal that has trouble accepting payment and customer service is absurd. They have an unattended call center that they encourage you to call if issues occur-terrible. If they would fix the terminal and even build a second-functioning terminal, this garage would be great.

  • en

    jorge schlesinger


    Way way too expensive , parking spaces mostly for small cars , SUV'S and trucks , very hard to park

  • Meghan Lopez

    Meghan Lopez


    It's a basic parking garage. 5 levels with top level in the sun. It has decently sized elevators (I could fit my double Bob in it) and is less than a 10 min walk to the Natural History museum. When I went it was $10 all day and while I hate paying for parking, it's better than a $250 parking ticket for parking in a construction zone by accident (which happened to me last time I went to the zoo). I didn't have any issues getting out, but I left at about 4:30p on a Friday (over Speing Break, I may add).

  • Jamie Payne-Miller

    Jamie Payne-Miller


    This is the worst parking garage I have ever used. I tried to leave around 2:30 on a Saturday afternoon and it took 47 minutes to get out of the garage. There is 1 machine to use to exit and it repeatedly had issues accepting payment. Other patrons would be attempting payment for over 5 minutes. I have never waited more than 5 minutes to exit a garage. 47 minutes is unacceptable! It made 4 of us late and there have to miss a nonrefundable event!

najbliższy Parking

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