Muscle Maker Grill i Peoria

Forenede StaterMuscle Maker Grill



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8386, West Thunderbird Road, 85381, Peoria, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 623-776-9301
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Latitude: 33.6105131, Longitude: -112.239488

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alexander Feeb


    Dirty plates..and silverware... worse part is the food is bland... just a complete letdown all the veggies are frozen and come in huge chunks plus it's a comfortable 80 to 82 degrees in here so you can sauna and eat.

  • jib_jeep79



    Clean healthy convenient food. Couldn’t ask for more. The MMG wrap with broccoli is amazing

  • Talena Randall

    Talena Randall


    Food was pretty good, but beware if they ask you if you want it spicy. It will be spicy!

  • Jon Fleck

    Jon Fleck


    Absolutely love this place. I've been coming here for years, it's like my home away from home! Food is amazing and I have most of my meals made here each week.

  • en

    Amy Savaglio


    Muscle Maker Grill was really great. They had a lot of menu choices that were healthy. Definitely a place if you're watching your weight or want to eat a balanced meal. I tried the turkey meatball wrap with the cucumber salad and it was delicious. All the food I tried tasted homemade and fresh. The location was easy to find and the staff was very friendly. I would definitely go back to try different dishes. They also have a meal plan for those who want to stay on a healthy diet for a weight loss or Fitness. Also watch Groupon for deals.

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