Mughal Palace w Valhalla

Stany ZjednoczoneMughal Palace



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16, Broadway, 10595, Valhalla, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-997-6090
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.073652, Longitude: -73.772341

komentarze 5

  • ru

    Катерина Абрамович


    Хорошее вегетарианское меню! Уютная атмосфера,Обслуживание на уровне,советую.

  • en

    Barbara Dworkin


    I love this place. Great food every time. Buffet has many vegetarian choices, chicken tandoori, lamb or goat, white rice, salad, soup, appetizers, naan. Casual atmosphere. Friendly, attentive service. Beer, wine & liquor available.

  • en

    JoAnne Campo


    Mughal Palace is the best Indian restaurant I have eaten at. We have been eating there for over 15 years, since they first opened. The chef is creative while remaining true to the principles and flavors of Indian food. The staff is friendly, welcoming, and polite and the owner Alam always has a warm and welcoming smile. Absolutely the best!

  • en

    Arnie Spindler


    We have been coming here for over 10 years and are always amazed by the quality of the food and the creativity of the chef. Eggplant, crispy and delicious, with tastes we hadn't had before. As a special, we don't remember the ingredients, it was great. The Tiger Shrimp Sagwala is always a standout. The Shrimp Malabar, Coconut Milk, Coriander and Garlic in a Yogurt base was wonderfully spicy and had just the right amount of accumulating heat. Lastly, Restaurants that serve Indian Cuisine are not known for a wine list but here the list is quite good and reasonably priced.After all this time Mughal Palace is one of the best restaurants in metro New York and is well worth the trip. Excellent Indian Cusine.

  • smartgal2010



    This is one restaurant my boyfriend and I love to go to. The food is awesome, the ambiance is very cozy and friendly and one of waiters even calls me ROSALIA I love that little extra special touch. It's nice to know that someone actually took the time to remember my name and my boyfriends name. Sweet!!!🍷

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