Ms.Ferdinandova's Ballet School- MFBS en Stony Point

Estados UnidosMs.Ferdinandova's Ballet School- MFBS



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99 A West Main Street, Stony Point, NY 10980, США
contactos teléfono: +1 914-210-1650
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.229403, Longitude: -73.987254

comentarios 5

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    analte alarin


    This is a fantastic school! The drop in classes for my children made me realize the instructors are working very professional. My daughter takes classes here and has been for over a year now and loves it, Ms. Ferdinandova is a very knowledgeable and strict teacher!!! My boy is in Taekwondo classes, Master T is great! Recommend to anyone that would like a professional but caring place. Hope to see you there!

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    Kris Valery


    My two daughters have been dancing with MFBS for 3rd year now and it has been the best thing for them! Their teachers are passionate, caring and dedicated - but most importantly they set extremely high standards for their students' behavior, technique, and more. They have had the privilege and opportunity to perform in two annual shows and in the first successful Nutcracker this year. Every experience with MFBS productions has been simply MAGICAL. I would recommend this school to any family seeking to expose their children to the benefit of hard work, high expectations and a love for dance!!! Best school in the area in my opinion!

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    Az Buki


    Highly recommended! Great school, great location, great teachers! Discipline and knowledge, professionalism!

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    Ally White


    Excellent school! Very professional Teachers! Great location! Whoever say it is not good has eider spoiled or lazy children. Ballet and Taekwondo are serious things, it is not for fun, it needs a heard work and dedication! Period!

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    Danielle Copeland


    I love the adult ballet classes. I have been going three times a week since September (only two months) and I've improved so much! In my old adult ballet classes the teachers never corrected my obvious (to me now) mistakes or pushed me to work harder. I leave each class with that pleasurable burn that you get after a good workout. I recommend this class to everyone!

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