Mr.Vac and Mrs.Sew en Melville

Estados UnidosMr.Vac and Mrs.Sew



🕗 horarios

610, Broadhollow Road, 11747, Melville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-777-4567
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7596985, Longitude: -73.4231356

comentarios 5

  • VUS:Photography by Elena & Roland Obermeier

    VUS:Photography by Elena & Roland Obermeier


    CAREFUL when you buy from Mr Vac and Mrs Sew via Amazon, they ship US products overseas via Amazon not stating important technical details and when the unit (Blendtec Pro 800) almost burns they hide behind generalizations and "this was via Amazon, there is no warranty"....

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    Vonnetta fowler


    They're were this cute couple, very kind, had a nice conversation with my children and I, very comfortable. Store is so tidy, can't complain.

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    Susan sung


    I bought a vintage Singer 221k sewing machine that needed repair. Joe repaired it to me and it is now working. I am very happy with my experience. I highly recommend this place!

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    Joanne Tzinivis


    I'm always happy when I leave Joe and Lisa's store. They always seem to be able to accommodate when I have issues with my machines. They're attentive and listen to my issues and try to rectify asap so I can run my businesses with working machines. The merchandise they have is top notch and they are extremely knowledgeable knowing about their products. This is definitely a must to visit if you're a sewer best place on Long Island with people who are understanding, knowledgeable and willing to listen to your needs and steer u in the right direction.




    All I can say is WOW & WOW! I'm so very happy with my new Embroidery Sewing Machine and the Great Customer Service I received from Ms Lisa even before I'd received both boxes.She replied to my email within the hour,and answered all of my questions. I read and studied all the specs on 3 different machines.And for the money and all the extras that came with it the Brother LB6800PRW had the highest reviews!! Tomorrow I go to get my laptop to begin many happy stitches for the New Year! All My Thanks Vickie Pierce

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