Mr. Sandless Staten Island w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMr. Sandless Staten Island



🕗 godziny otwarcia

42, Lisbon Place, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-365-2621
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.580872, Longitude: -74.108783

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anthony Annicchiarico


    Hi Matt ... just wanted to tell you what a great job you and your guys did ! My floors came out great as well as my bathroom door .It was a pleasure to work with you and your men. Again great job at a GREAT price !! We will definitely be calling you back in the future.

  • Paul Mortenson

    Paul Mortenson


    Great alternative to full restoration. Process was completed in a day and the floors shine like glass. Would definitely recommend as a cost effective and low hassle option if your wood flooring is in decent shape and doesn't require significant damage repairs. Prompt and courteous service as well.

  • Mike Gatti

    Mike Gatti


    Absolutely the best refinishing I have had on my floors yet. I have three dogs and the floor stands up to them. No dust what so ever, every corner & edge was perfect. Fast drying with a beautiful finish. I highly recommend them if you want the best bang for your buck and the highest quality.

  • Chase Sage

    Chase Sage


    In and out, no mess, they do everything, floors look beautiful, wife happy! Meet Matt while he was doing another job and asked him to come to my home and take a look. He gave me an honest assessment and reasonable quote for the job. His crew showed up as promised and on time. They worked carefully and thoroughly to prepare the floors and then they applied the 'magic'. We're happy with the results, a week later we're still smiling every time we look at the floors and wonder why we didn't use Mr. Sandless sooner!

  • en

    Doris Vignapiano


    It's been over one year, and my floors still look like new! After living here 12 years, they made my floors more beautiful than when we moved in! The fact that you can walk on your floors the same day is amazing, I would never go back to the old way - who has the time? Thank you Mr. Sandless for a job 'more' than well done!

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