Mr Route i North Bellmore

Forenede StaterMr Route



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1847, Newbridge Road, 11710, North Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-785-6600
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6774234, Longitude: -73.5390838

kommentar 2

  • Marc Merrill

    Marc Merrill


    Bill Collins is THE source of knowledge regarding the route industry. He is honest and makes sure that you understand fully what you are getting into before he will sell you a route. I bought and sold a FedEx Home Delivery route through him and everything he explained to me was exactly the way things went it for me the entire time I was affiliated with FedEx. I highly recommend Bill and his knowledgeable brokers if you are looking to buy or sell a route business!

  • en

    Jeff Sperber


    In all my dealings with Mr. Route, all the people that helped me with this life changing purchase were teriffic. Mr. Collins went to great lengths to explain both the pros and cons of purchasing various types of services and helped me select the proper type. I have referred him to numerous acquaintances, all of whom have contacted Mr. Route and have been very satisfied. GREAT JOB!!

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