Mo'z Bar-B-Que in El Paso

Vereinigte StaatenMo'z Bar-B-Que



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5019, Alabama Street, 79930, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 915-562-8172
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 31.822359, Longitude: -106.465842

kommentare 5

  • Sergio Ramirez

    Sergio Ramirez


    Some of the best BBQ in town! Finger-licking good. The place may not look like much, but I promise the food is heavenly.

  • Electro Rebel

    Electro Rebel


    Went there for dinner and the waiter was so forgetful which isn't too bad considering he had to deal with telling us that the restraunt had only 2 meals to chose from. One being 1 link of sausage left and no bbq sauce. The whole experience for everyone is just totally embarrassing

  • en

    Markus Skelf


    I honestly do not understand all these good reviews. I just went there to get a to-go order, and the young man taking my order was barely paying attention. He then came back and told me they didn’t have enough batter to make the waffles. After a minute he came back and told me they’d make them anyways. The waffles were soggy, the inside of the chicken was raw, and another burger I ordered was raw on the inside as well. Absolutely inedible.

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    Katherine Gordon


    First time visit: The food was great. We had brisket, pulled pork and sausage with potato salad and cole slaw. The waitress brought us a piece of sweet potato pie that was very yummy. Service was friendly, warm, and prompt. Will definitely return, and soon.

  • Jesus Aldape

    Jesus Aldape


    My gosh what awesome and super tender not to mention tasty tacos of slow cooked meat they had there. Loved the gas chimney that heats up the place 😀 The manager was a very nice guy too!!! Definitely I recommend this place.

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