Moy Tung Ving Tsun Kung Fu and Martial Arts Center i Houston

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Forenede StaterMoy Tung Ving Tsun Kung Fu and Martial Arts Center



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3601, South Sandman Street, 77098, Houston, Harris County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 832-800-3768
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.733919, Longitude: -95.411232

kommentar 5

  • en

    Armando Juarez


    Good place to learn authentic Wing Chun

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    Richard Harper


    If you want to learn the real thing, you want to go to this school! You will be challenged to your limit, and enjoy every moment, or should I say, movement of it as Moy Tung Ving Tsun Kung Fu changes you, and your life! I am hooked!

  • Travis Ross

    Travis Ross


    No bull, no frills Ving Tsun Kung Fu from a Sifu who really respects the discipline and teaches a very efficient, concise, and powerful technique in a small, intimate environment. Highly recommend for those looking to get back in shape, relieve stress, improve posture, learn a powerful form of self defense, or all of the above.

  • Joe Anderson

    Joe Anderson


    This is a true martial arts school, that is ideal for anyone. Through natural body movements, Moy Tung Ving Tsun can be learned in a relatively short period of time, with a focus on conditioning, technique refinement, and fighting applications!

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    Arturo Huerta


    Two hours pass quickly! The structure of the class is such that you are constantly improving and never bored. Sure you learn to defend yourself with an incredibly efficient system, but you also learn to relax . . . something that stays with you long after the workout ends.

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