Mower Doctor / The Warranty Center en Kings Park

Estados UnidosMower Doctor / The Warranty Center



🕗 horarios

16, Church Street, 11754, Kings Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-269-5054
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.885003, Longitude: -73.254141

comentarios 5

  • Veronica Brown

    Veronica Brown


    The owner was very polite and showing me and my 13 year old son how to appropriately work my lawn mower. Very patient..answering all my questions..Reasonably priced lawn mowers also.

  • drockny



    I've used Mower Doctor to service my Craftsman Snow Thrower for the last several years. I've been extremely pleased with the job they have done. My Snow Thrower has started up consistently w/o any trouble. After the last snow storm I noticed the chute was veering from left to right when in use. Chris came to my house right away and fixed the problem on the spot. Highly recommend the guys at Mower Doctor!

  • nitecapt



    I fail to see any reason why there would one negative reviews about this place. They have been repairing my lawn and yard equipment for years. Always fair priced and always good work. Recently, they repaired my very neglected snow blower. The job was done within a week and it was ready just before this weekend's storm. The machine runs great, they saved the need for a replacement cable by freeing up and lubing the old one. Price was fair for the work done. I get all of my lawn and yard equipment serviced there. Chris is great. I highly recommend The Mower Doctor for repairs and purchases.

  • Kevin Montgomery

    Kevin Montgomery


    Excellent and personal service... a great local business with a history in the community.

  • en

    David Mehlsack


    Employees are nice. They have a lot of inventory and are very helpful.

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