Montrose Forge in Houston

Vereinigte StaatenMontrose Forge



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711, Fairview Street, 77006, Houston, Harris County, US USA
kontakte telefon: +1 713-893-5002
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 29.7479873, Longitude: -95.3893673

kommentare 3

  • James Dear

    James Dear


  • en

    Christian Wilder


    I visited Houston from Chicago. Stopped at this store as I was looking for some gear and there are very few stores like this open these days. HUGE MISTAKE. 1. The store is actually only half as big as it looks from the outside. At least 50% or more of the store is blocked off once you get inside. 2. Usually I don't care what the inside looks like, but this place looks bizarre. It's like a tacky modern mountain lodge???? 3. The gear is VERY cheap. I could see some of the thread on the seams of the garments already fraying. The quality of the fabric is also low. I looked up the brand names when I got home (as I had never heard of them), and found the same items brand new on eBay for HALF the price. 4. Very little selection. 5. The owner was an awful person. I know he was the owner as he was arguing with one of his staff and mentioned that he was the owner. He was very rude, and sarcastic to the employee, and he was wearing a shirt that was probably 3 times to small, his gut was literally hanging out. Very unprofessional. I felt bad for the staff member as the staff member was very polite. I left without buying anything. Was the weirdest store I have ever been in. I will never go back, and would not recommend it. Do yourself a favor and just buy the same gear on eBay for half the price, or get actual good quality gear from one of the mainstays in the bus​iness!​

  • Matt Deel

    Matt Deel


nächste Bekleidungsgeschäft

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