Montessori School of Manhattan w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMontessori School of Manhattan



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2, Gold Street, 10038, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-742-2830
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.707359, Longitude: -74.006962

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nichole Verbit


    This is our third year at the Montessori School of Manhattan and I cannot express how wonderful the teachers truly are. There are several factors that come in to play with what we as a family consider to be a good education. We believe that MSM offers our children a well balanced approach to academics by exposing them to a diverse learning environment that is surrounded by teachers who care deeply about their students. We strongly believe that both our children have been challenged appropriately at an early age, which has set the foundation to maximize their social and intellectual abilities. Most importantly, MSM allows students to be active participants in their own learning and the classroom provides endless possibilities for them to engage in the learning process. The way both math and reading is presented, specifically, has been outstanding!

  • Keith Ramsdell

    Keith Ramsdell


    What I love most about Montessori School of Manhattan is the wonderful, caring, nurturing and supportive teachers. They are impeccably trained in the Montessori method of early education. Through their execution of the child-led approach, they have fostered independence, creativity, confidence and most importantly a true love of learning in my children. I firmly believe they have established building blocks that will lead my children through their next level of education and through life.

  • en

    Xavier Van Degna


    This is our second year with Montessori and I couldn't be happier with the school. All the teachers and staff have been amazing with our daughter. Our daughter has shown lot's progress in her vocabulary and motor skills. We honestly could not have done this without the help of the school.

  • en

    Jen Bisulca


    I have my daughter enrolled in the school and I have had the best experience . Prior I had her enrolled in another private school and this school exceeds all my expectations. My daughter has flourished and it's so exciting to see her doing so well. I love this school, I love the administrators as well as the teachers. The leadership from the Director of the school shows in each person and student. The care support and academic progress of my child is superior. I can't thank them enough for taking care of the most important person in my life . my CHILD!

  • JoAnna Cosenza-Laskas-Ruiz

    JoAnna Cosenza-Laskas-Ruiz


    My son spent three wonderful years at MSM. I recommend this school to anyone looking for a supportive and nurturing environment where an age-appropriate academic curriculum is used to instill a genuine curiosity and love of learning in children. Kids can learn to read, write and count anywhere (and yes, my son and his peers all left as readers!), but MSM is a truly special place. It gave our son the foundation on which his academic life will be built, but just as significantly it has taught him to navigate the world in a respectful and kind way.

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