Mon Cheri en New York

Estados UnidosMon Cheri


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2655, Richmond Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-982-8595
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5816094, Longitude: -74.164582

comentarios 5

  • en

    Tesa Tarnofsky


    Good for mani/pedicure and waxing.

  • en

    L G


    Thieves !!! DO NOT GO HERE!! Witch lied snd stole $40 for me DO NOT GO TO THAT NAIL SALON .. they are NASTY

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    Toria G


    Got my nails done here once, then twice, then a third time and now this place is my go to for both my Pedi and Mani. After they start to see you more they warm up to you and now I know some of the ladies on a first name basis. They know where I work and always make it a point to ask me how it's going everytime I stop in. Just recently I tried something new with my nails because I saw it on Pinterest. It was Gel, matte color and some glitter and they were fully prepared and recreated the style beautifully. I was impressed. The only thing is, I secretly wish their prices would go down. In my opinion, the prices are kind of steep but nonetheless I will keep going back lolzz

  • Tiffany D'Aquila

    Tiffany D'Aquila


    USE to enjoy getting my nails done here. $40 for a regular Mani & Pedi (no special accommodations) which is a bit much. But what really set me off was the attitude and treatment I received from the woman who is possibly the manager (normally greets you when you come in, always with her nose in her phone). She's a real piece of work.

  • en

    Antonina Geca


    I have been here about 5 times because they do a good job however the ladies that work here are the rudest women ever. Today was my last time here- enough is enough. I DON'T recommend this nail salon.

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