Momo Sushi Shack w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMomo Sushi Shack



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43, Bogart Street, 11206, Kings County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 718-418-6666
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Latitude: 40.70512, Longitude: -73.933463

komentarze 5

  • Jessica



    Dimly lit cute space with cool communal tables. All the sushi bombs are really yummy and not like your typical sushi! Oddly, I think the round shape definitely makes it more appeasing to eat. They provide you with 3 types of sauces that I had fun trying. The sushi bombs can also be found at their sister restaurant, Bozu. If you come to either of these restaurants you must try them! Service wasn't that great... Spicy Mc Bomb ($7)- 5/5 This one is my favorite sushi bomb out of all of them. The katafi makes such a huge difference- it adds such great texture and gives it a crunch. Guacamole Tuna- ($8)-4/5 This was pretty small... 6 small little pieces and some that seem to have nonexistent avocado/guacamole? Anyways, it did taste pretty good. The flavor sort of reminds me of tacos but with tuna. Handmade Vegan Gyoza ($9)-3/5 These were pretty to look at and that's about it. The taste was very average, and definitely not worth $9. It came with some sauces on the side as well. Ebi ($6)-4/5 This wasn't too memorable, but I remember tasting the cashew. Still pretty good though. It's also quite pricey for a hand roll. Spicy Tuna ($5)- 4/5 Again, this was another hand roll, and also not that memorable. However, it's still good, but pricey. Oyako ($9)- 3/5 Very average sushi with roasted salmon, quite "boring" compared to other places. And extremely pricey for the portion..

  • Jason Oermann

    Jason Oermann


    The food here is outstanding. I was fortunate enough to sample a variety of dishes (handroll, sashimi, fried chicken, pork and other small bites) and was impressed with the quality of the food. Very reasonably priced for Japanese cuisine given the quality. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Mary F


    100% worth the hype. I enjoyed the lunch menu bomb + roll: incredible value for the quality of the ingredients and skill of the chef. Staff are polite and efficient, and contrary to what the internet says, yes, they accept debit/credit cards. I will definitely be back.

  • Amelia Smoak

    Amelia Smoak


    So good! Really recommend the lunch special for a roll and a bomb. The green tea is also really well made. Small cozy place.

  • Angela Wagner

    Angela Wagner


    I was invited to attend dinner here with some old friends. We were looking for vegan options so decided to come here from long island. Want we arrived we were very apprehensive Whether we were going to stay or not. The restaurant is very very plain and was a minimalist kind of style. The food actually turned out to be pretty good I ordered the Japanese fried chicken we had an order of tempura vegetables, soup, curry noodles. The waitress was very very patient with our party because we were very undecided about what we wanted to order and it took several attempts of her having to explain what each dish consisted of. I would go again if I were in that neighborhood.

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