Mollica Philip DDS w Saddle Brook

Stany ZjednoczoneMollica Philip DDS


brak informacji

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392, Victor Street, 07663, Saddle Brook, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-587-0222
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8954137, Longitude: -74.096589

komentarze 5

  • en

    CM Phillips


    The negative reviews above must have been by paid trolls. Check other review sites and see the 5 star ratings on each....My experience so far with this office has been great. Friendly, competent staff, "state-of-the-art" equipment (I don't know what the above reviewer was talking about) & Dr M couldn't have been friendlier or more accommodating. Spent a LOT of time answering my many questions, without any impatience. I'm actually looking forward to my next visit - & I travel several hours to see him!

  • en

    New Moon


    I would report this Dentist to the Board of NJ Jen. You didn't have to go through all that. He makes too many mistakes.

  • en

    Jen Kuzn


    First & second visit: emergency visit to fill cavity that filled out. While working on my mouth spent 15 minutes talking to another patient who was leaving about sports. was uneasy because filling didn't feel quite right. Had to go back to have refilled again when filling fell out. Didn't have to pay. Third visit: teeth cleaning w/Mrs. Mollica. Dead fish in the fish tank and broken vase with shards all over outside. Fourth & fifth visit: another emergency visit for another cavity that wasn't a big cavity initially. Waited 10 minutes in the waiting room while socializing another patient who was coming out. Fell out promptly, and had to go back and get filled again. First time cavity was small. Second time was bigger and when working on it near the end of procedure a big chunk of tooth flew out. Now a big big cavity and doesn't feel right. No charge. Now over a month ago, the first tooth in a matter of days chipped away to a stump. I will probably loose that tooth. I have no hope for the second tooth either but am waiting for it self destruct as well. Seems to me, that teeth aren't filled completely when fillings put in. I unfortunately gave him the benefit of the doubt. Have asked for my medical records over a month ago. Sent two letters and called twice. No records while I wait to try to get teeth fixed at another dentist. I just want to get away from that office as soon as possible. I can't even get my records. No way do I want to go back there. They are hardly ever there when you need them either.

  • en

    Charles Ruefenacht


    The mark of a good dentist is than another dentist, me, wants to be treated by him.

  • en

    Sha DePalma


    This dentist charged a lot of money for a crown that fell out the day after it was placed. His office was eager to bill (2500!) but not to fix the problem. My new dentist said this dentist did NOT know how to prep the tooth properly and did not use the "state of the art" equipment he claims to have. I do NOT recommend this dental office

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