Moby Drugs w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneMoby Drugs



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226, Main Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-249-0268
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7337172, Longitude: -73.4462498

komentarze 5

  • Walter Priestley

    Walter Priestley


    It great to walk in a pharmacy where the pharmacist knows you and your family and are able to give proper advice. They even deliver. Can't go wrong!

  • en

    Ron Star


    A neighborhood pharmacy that you can trust. Always great personalized service.

  • en

    Mariela Pascual


    Mr. Vincent Conte is the most honest and considerate person that i've come in contact with in the pharmacy.

  • Angela Alessi

    Angela Alessi


    I've been coming here for years and this will be the last time I ever set foot in this place . I have met my out of maximum for the year and have zero co pays this is the second time they charged me and I have to get reimbursed by them yet again who knows if there too even give me my money back. I asked the sales guy why I had a co pay since I haven't had one in 2 months and The pharmacist Vincent Conti came out screaming at me saying it's what the insurance company said . I advised him how this happens before and it was there mix up and he berated me screamed at me and said that I should stop coming there. Do not go there. The worst customer service I have ever seen at any store I've been to. Save you aggravation and go to cvs or Walgreens. Vincent conti is the nastiest person by far I have come in contact with in this sort of position.

  • Richard Baez

    Richard Baez


    Great service, great hours , the type of pharmacy the other chains can never replace. Neighborhood business at it's best with the community in mind.

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