MinuteClinic w North Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneMinuteClinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

585, Ridge Road, 07031, North Arlington, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-997-0333
strona internetowej: www.cvs.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.79727, Longitude: -74.12728

komentarze 5

  • en

    Peter Fegorello


    I went to the clinic on 585 Ridge Rd in North Arlington NJ it was 2pm on March 13, 2018 and the person there told me to sign in on the kiosk but was going to lunch and could not see me for an hour. CVS is a scam. don't go very unprofessional. CVS is wasting their money and robbing the insurance company by providing this service or should I say lack of service. I would never return

  • en

    Mostafa Elkadi


    Dr. Russell is very accommodating and professional. I come here every year for my wellness visit.

  • en

    Er. Prashant Sharma


    I went there on Dec 15, 2016. Called at 6:00 PM, the customer care representative took all the information over the phone for 30 mins then told me this clinic doesn't accept appointments but only walk-ins. I walked in at 6:50, confirmed closing time was 7:30, last patient accepted at 7:15 PM. I tried to register on the Kiosk there, it says no more appointments, nobody was waiting. At 7:20 the provider opens the door of the clinic and tells us all the appointments are done for the day. We should come either some other day or better go somewhere else. Not so good experience, cost wise it is not any cheaper than a doctor. It is just called as minute clinic but be prepared for at least couple of hours. I do not recommend this facility or service in general due to its limitations and inefficiencies.

  • en

    Robin Fox


    They are always helpful. It's so much easier going here than trying to get an appointment with my regular doctor.

  • en

    Patricia McAllister


    No stars for this clinic. You would be better off buying yourself a medical book, because that is all the person knows how to do. No thought is really given to the patient symptoms. Do not waste your time if you are really sick. Any other option would be better than going here.

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