Minute Car Wash Newburgh w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneMinute Car Wash Newburgh



🕗 godziny otwarcia

160, South Robinson Avenue, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-561-3370
strona internetowej: www.minutecarwashny.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4940546, Longitude: -74.0224505

komentarze 5

  • en

    Geselle May


    Very nice staff hard workers

  • M P

    M P


    Love these guys. I subscribe to the unlimited monthly wash club and it is one of the best investments I make every month. All the staff is friendly. And they keep my car looking beautiful all the time. Best place in town! I am partial to their 9W location since they vacuum the interior, but 17k is not bad most of the time.

  • en



    Nice place to get your car washed --they do a really good job

  • en



    I take my Mach 1 Mustang to be cleaned here always a great job.




    Inconsistent. The main issue is not with the machines washing your car, or the person that vacuums the car before they put it in. The main issue is at the end. They seem to be in such a rush lately that the details have gone out the window. They DON'T dry your car completely and as a result the water splatters when you drive off and car looks dirty. The windows AREN'T cleaned well, again I think because they are rushed more than anything else. Now if you pay $25-35 dollars for a car wash and they promise these basic things and can not deliver this to me is a problem. Instruct your people to go over vehicles and make sure IT IS DONE! Because this final step is the most important part, doesn't matter how the machines clean. Now if you pay the $70 for detail inside and out they do spend the time cleaning inside and out and making sure they dry. Problem with that is they never do the roof of the car (wax). Again if your paying for express wax, that is wax the entire car, roof included.

najbliższy Myjnia samochodowa

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