Minkowitz Gary DDS w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMinkowitz Gary DDS



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55-23, 69th Street, 11378, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-898-6050
strona internetowej: www.maspethdentistry.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.727126, Longitude: -73.895259

komentarze 3

  • en

    Mustapha Mustapha


    This review is about the lady that works there, her last name is Delacruz, and the staff, and not about Dr. Minkowitz, because I don't know him and I did not speak with him at all, even though it's his office!!! The first thing I noticed is that the staff are extremely unfriendly, you can tell that they did not receive any kind of customer service training whatsoever!!! As you walk in, they don't acknowledge your presence in the office, they do not greet you at all, no eye contact and no smiling!!! they really make you feel that you are not welcomed there, and this applies to every one I came across in the office. You get the feeling that they themselves do not want to be there. The lady by last name Delacruz at first failed to diagnose the main cause of the problem i have, which gaps between my front teeth, she stated that the reason is the two teeth that were extracted before, when the main cause is that one of the milk teeth never came out. I had to correct this information for her. She then informed me that I need 9 fillings, which is fine and I agreed to proceed. I still decided to give them all a second chance by going there for the second visit. During the second visit, Ms Delacruz spent the whole time, as she was working on one my teeth, which was about 40 minutes, talking to her helper in spanish, instead of focusing on the patient!!! After finishing, I tried to ask her about the normal gap between the teeth, as this is something that really bothered me from the previous dentist, as when he filled a couple of my teeth, the filling touched the neighboring teeth, and all the teeth were touching without any kind of natural space. So I asked her to make sure that this error does not occur. She did not give me any answer, and completely ignored me, and moved to talk to another client in spanish, I was really annoyed by her behavior, and I realized that she herself did not leave the natural gap between the teeth, which means she failed to use some kind of instrument that the dentists use to separate the tooth to be treated from the others as they are filling it, so the filling does not spread touching all other teeth. I decided not to go back, and I would not give them even a one star, but in order to add a review, it seems like I have to select one star, but it's 0 stars for them. Thank you

  • en



    The first time I went was good because the cleaning was great so I decided to keep going,next time I went the lady who cleans your teeth was no longer there for whatever reason, I decided to keep going because it was close to my house...WHAT A MISTAKE for numerous reasons,for 1 the cleaning wasn't even close as good as the first time which isn't even to big of a deal as long as the dentist does a good job....I was wrong, as I was in the chair with the lady dentist she did every under the sun except pay attention to the work on my teeth,assistants handing her things,having lengthy conversation with numerous people while working on my teeth,very uncomfortable for me so next visit I switched to dr minkowitz,his work was horrible,I had to get it fixed somewhere else...Also supposably my bill went over my insurance by about $115 which honestly is no big deal for me to pay but I just wanted a explanation in writing because when I called my Insureance they told me I don't owe anything also that the work should have been covered so I went to the office twice and both time they gave me a runaround saying it's not in the computer and I have to wait for the doctor,in the meantime 1 week goes by and they call me for the bill,I told them I have no problem paying I just need a written explanation to send to my insurance to please just give me a few more days to get there because I'm with my wife is in the hospital she is due anytime having our baby...the next day while still in the hospital I get a phone call from a bill collector, my bill was reported to the credit agency....you have to be kidding,they attempted to hurt my credit over a past due amount $115 of 2 weeks while they didn't supply me a written explanation also after I spoke to them on the phone and asked them to just give me a few days I'm in the hospital with my wife....lmao they call themselves a family doctor,what a joke this place is...

  • Adrian Jakubowski

    Adrian Jakubowski


    Do not go to this office. The charge your charges and don't mention it. They rescheduled me for three different appointments and then said I never came because i did not know about them and charged me $50 cancellation fee. Also they ill charge you if you show up late. Very bad service. Went their for 2 years with family and friends and will never go again. If you want a good dentist with no hidden fees and penalties then stay away from his office!

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