Mina Bridal w Santa Ana

Stany ZjednoczoneMina Bridal



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113, West 4th Street, 92701, Santa Ana, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-541-3051
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.748123, Longitude: -117.8682811

komentarze 3

  • Antonio Gutierrez

    Antonio Gutierrez



  • Lorenzo V

    Lorenzo V


    Did my 15ñera dress with then 15 years ago... great deals great to see they are still around.. I had a custom dress made by putting different part of dresses together, still till this day I love my dress great customer service...

  • Melanie Oleson

    Melanie Oleson


    I went to Mina's Bridal as a last minute fix all. I had a crazy wedding planning experience and everything seemed to be very frustrating and difficult, all is except for my experience with Mina and her staff. I came to her with a wedding dress that I had purchased somewhere else that needed major alterations (and I had only two weeks until my wedding!) Every dress store and alterations shop I went to before I found Mina was asking for nearly $500 to take in the sides and hem the bottom, and they all said that the two week deadline was not enough time. Everyone else wanted at least a month to get the job done. When I came to Mina's shop she was very friendly and welcoming and addressed my needs right away. She was shocked to hear my experience with the other dress shops and quoted me a price far more reasonable than what I was getting at the other places. On top of that she said she could do the job in two days! I was hesitant to believe this, it sounded too good to be true. However with so much pressure on me to get my dress ready for my wedding, I decided to let her work on it. I was AMAZED at how well the alterations were, and the fact that she had it done in literally two days! The length was perfect and the waist fit like a glove. After I got the dress home I tried it on again and I realized that it didn't fit as well as I thought it had around the bust. I let her know and she took it right back without hesitation and altered the bust area as well. After having to take apart the back seam and all it's buttons and layered fabric (my dress was not a simple pattern...) she made the dress absolutely perfect in every way, and she didn't charge me any extra for the second alteration! I would highly recommend that everyone visit Mina, she was fast, friendly, and very professional. I will certainly take all my dress needs to her again in the future :)

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