Mill Creek Agency Inc w Stony Brook

Stany ZjednoczoneMill Creek Agency Inc



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129a, Main Street, 11790, Stony Brook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-751-4653
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9177968, Longitude: -73.1464803

komentarze 5

  • Krystle Schultz

    Krystle Schultz


    Great company to work with! Excellent customer service and great rates!

  • en

    Benjamin Silva


    Thank you !

  • Meliha Pupino

    Meliha Pupino


    excellent customer service, were very helpful and knowledgeable

  • Bryce Thuilot

    Bryce Thuilot


    Amazing customer service! Everyone is extremely nice over the phone. I have no clue what the other guy is talking about, it is not always good to shop your policy every renewal because you build a relationship with your carrier. Shopping insurance just for price is the last criteria you should be considered about. I highly recommend Mill Creek.

  • en

    Daniel Albino


    I used Mill Creek Insurance for a few years. Stephen, at first, was very helpful and got me good prices. 2 years later, after a couple claims that were of no fault of mine, my prices were going up around 300 dollars every 6 months. I gave Mill creek insurance every opportunity to help me out and match it, but they were unable to. Due to my financial situation I had no choice to switch for one six month period but retained my motorcycle policy with them since I was always happy with my service. At my next renewal I emailed Stephen again so see if switching back was a viable option and to get a price on homeowners insurance, as I had just bought a house, He pretty much blew me off. He told me that he was not interested in doing business with someone who was going to switch simply to save money and that since he has such a strong client base who dont care what they are paying he doesnt need someone like me. does he not realize thats what people do with car insurance. If theire price goes up, you shop around. Ive never known anyone NOT to do this and to expect people not to is absolutely absurd Keep in mind that I am still a CURRENT CUSTOMER! and he still did told me this. It pretty much says that he couldnt give two craps about his customers. I will never use this company again and have told everyone I know to stay far away Update. I just called to cancel my motorcycle policy. In New York state, it is not necessary to surrender plates on a motorcycle to cancel insurance. I do this every year. Insure it in the summer, cancel in the winter. I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with a girl who did not believe this was the case and told me I couldn't cancel without sirrendering the plates. I called Progressive and cancelled my policy in 5 minutes without an issue It is unbelievable how they can they work in insurance and not know simple things like this. ......terrible, terrible customer service I have filed two formal complaints with these people through progressive

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