Midwest Mobile Home Park w Independence

Stany ZjednoczoneMidwest Mobile Home Park


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

12817, East 47th Street South, 64055, Independence, Jackson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 816-278-1661
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0360237, Longitude: -94.4259931

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shannon Jones


    This park has owed me $300.00 for 3 month. I call there is no answer. No one is ever in the office. I call Kansas and they contact the manager and tell me she will call me back but she never does. Beware of this place! Well after 6 months I did finally get my $300. If you pay attention to the people who are giving this place 5 stars you can clearly see that they are not upstanding citizens they're the problem.

  • en

    Rick Sanchez


    This park is the worst. The office looks decent, but the further you drive the worst it gets. Cops are in here all the time and not just for patrolling. There are leaking trailers, water line breaks. Nothing is up to date.

  • en

    John Minks


    There have been three shootings in this trailer park. One was covered by the news. I cant believe how many drugs come in and out of here. Not to mention the drunk guy that walks up and down the streets. Do not move in here!

  • en

    kennady sullivan


    I have lived hear for three years. I don't recommend this place to anyone. Unless you like hearing 6-13yr old kids running around cussing at each other. Getting your car hit with balls everyday. I have told the management about this, and they just blew me off everytime. They do not care about you or the community. It is dirty, always trash on the ground, and lovely drunk men walking the streets at night. So if you made it this far trust me when I say "Midwest Mobile Home Park is the worst place I have ever lived."

  • Angela Ellett

    Angela Ellett


    They are cleaning it up it's better than it was

najbliższy RV park, pole namiotowe

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