Midtown Bed Bug & Pest Control w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMidtown Bed Bug & Pest Control



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853, 7th Avenue, 10019, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-286-7434
strona internetowej: www.pestcontrolmidtown.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7638597, Longitude: -73.980824

komentarze 5

  • en



    I am glad i found you on time. I had bedbugs in my house,a friend recommended me here and they gave me an appointment immediately. They did their inspection and treatment before they could spread. Thank you guys ,keep up the good work.

  • en



    Thank you so much for helping me exterminate bed bugs in my condo. The inspection and treatment was thorough. Great services and amazing staff.

  • en

    John M.


    Midtown Bed Bug & Pest Control is the best! I had a tenant call me and they were invaded by ants. I called the Midtown Bed Bug & Pest Control office at the end of the day and spoke to their rep who was very helpful and got my tenant scheduled for next day service. The technician showed up on time and sprayed the premises. He also took the time to find the paths the ants were using and shut them down. He communicated with the tenant and called me to let me know what he found and what he did. They were knowledgeable and easy to work with. I would highly recommend this company and will only use Midtown Bed Bug & Pest Control for all our pest control issues.

  • Charles G.

    Charles G.


    Thank you for such prompt service! Midtown Bed Bug & Pest Control technician came today and did a fantastic job! Again, he explained everything so well so I understood what was being done. He also has a very good eye and sees everything!!...I guess it comes with all the experience.

  • en

    Grace Lionel


    Called these guys one day because I was FED UP with these damn ANTS!! They assured me that they would take care of this issue without a problem. After two/three days they slowly disappeared!!! Been two weeks now and nothing! I'm so happy!! Thanks Midtown Bed Bug & Pest Control.

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